Wednesday 4 May 2011

Post Election Rants (best of facebook)

10:12am, May 6: ‎61.4% voter turnout. Positive tax returns should be automatically applied to the national debt if voters can't bother to do this simple thing.

11:15am, May 6: Wow, the conservatives even won our student vote. The future's so bright, I've got to start building a post apocalyptic shelter!


... the mob that elects politicians is only interested in their own affairs, they are incapable of looking at the greater good. We're at the pinnacle of mob run society (call it democracy if you want to). In a thousand years, assuming there is anyone around to write about it, democratic capitalism will be described as the engine that (hopefully almost) destroyed human civilization.

Any society based on self interest and greed is doomed, it's just a matter of time.

Nature never rewards mindless voracity, it seeks balance.


In response to "it's better than if the NDP or Libs won it"

Go for a walking tour of Northern Alberta, you might think differently. Ask anyone one internationally connected how Canada's reputation has dropped, especially over environmental misdirection.

Somehow, in the past 24 hours, 24% of Canadians have implicitly endorsed Parliamentary contempt. Perhaps we should just chuck the system entirely, if the ruling party ignores it, and the opposition parties are worse... Canadian democracy's a sham!

Ive got to stop reading factual, science based books on climate change ( No one else will care until it's too late, they all want cheap gas and business as usual. Our business as usual is making slaves of our grand children. We're not even intent on trying to find a way out, the majority just want things to stay the same.

Any aliens monitoring facebook? I"m ready to go back to the mothership!


May 3rd, 10:53pm: After another epic failure of the first past the post system in representing actual voter interest, think we have any chance of seeing a fair and representative system with King Stephen? I wouldn't hold your breath. Can't wait to see the voter turnout next time around. We've got to have one of the only democratic systems that actually encourages voter apathy.

More Responses (to it's pretty much business as usual with a stable government, so why worry):

One in four people just voted for parliamentary contempt. In one riding a complete turd burger who openly lied to everyone got re-elected (nice one Oda). One in four Canadians have open contempt for our governmental system and support a party that does too (and now has a majority). If our democracy's based on parliament, then it's a sham.

Canada won't become a dictatorship, but it will continue to be a shifty, lying international presence that says one thing, does another and makes slaves of future generations in the process.

Oh, and more than one in three Canadians couldn't be bothered to vote at all. It's not really a democracy, is it? It's more like gangs of roving political interest groups in-fighting and self aggrandizing themselves (I say that about all of the parties).